What is the Iowa Industrial Technology Expo

About Us

The Iowa Industrial Technology Expo has a long standing tradition of bringing awareness and appreciation for Industrial Technology classes and the great work Iowa students are completing and learning by being a part of an Industrial Technology class. The Expo is an opportunity for students to showcase projects that they have completed and built during the last school year and participate in competitions. It is also an opportunity for students, teachers, and Iowa businesses to connect. Each year students walk away from the Iowa Industrial Technology Expo with scholarships, job offers, trophies, awards, tool giveaways, free food, company swag, and at the very least a smile! 

We look forward to seeing everyone at the 37th annual event on Friday May 9th, 2025! 

Brett Rickabaugh and Ryan Andersen 

Expo Co-Directors

Students can submit projects in the following categories for display and judging: 

Graphic Communication

Energy and Power

Problem Solving, Inventions and Experiments

Material Processing



